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Supreme Court to Host Special Lok Adalat from July 29 to August 3

"Lok Adalats are an integral component of the judicial system in this country, enhancing alternative dispute resolution as a means of expediting and fostering amicable settlements," the statement added.

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The Supreme Court of India will hold a special Lok Adalat from July 29 to August 3, marking the 75th anniversary of its founding. This initiative aims to promote the amicable resolution of appropriate pending cases.

“In the 75th year of its establishment, the Supreme Court of India is organising a Special Lok Adalat from July 29, 2024, to August 3, 2024, to facilitate amicable settlements of suitable pending cases,” stated the Supreme Court in a press release.

“Lok Adalats are an integral component of the judicial system in this country, enhancing alternative dispute resolution as a means of expediting and fostering amicable settlements,” the statement added.

The upcoming Lok Adalat reflects the Supreme Court’s commitment to ensuring accessible and efficient delivery of justice to all segments of society.

Cases pending before the Supreme Court with potential for settlement, such as matrimonial and property disputes, motor accident claims, land acquisition disputes, compensation matters, and service and labour disputes, will be addressed to expedite their resolution.

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